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Expired Listing: Can I Sell My House?

expired listing

Expired Listing: Can I Sell My House?

Selling your house is a significant decision; sometimes, you might be dealing with an expired listing. It’s not uncommon, and in this article, we’ll walk you through what it means and what options you have. So, let’s dive in!

Common Types of Listing Agreements

Open Listing: An open listing agreement allows multiple real estate agents to market your property. The agent who brings the buyer is the one who receives the commission. This type of agreement provides flexibility and can potentially lead to a quicker sale.

Exclusive Right to Sell: With an exclusive right-to-sell agreement, you grant one agent exclusive rights to sell your property. Regardless of who ultimately brings the buyer, this agent is entitled to the commission. This type of agreement provides a clear incentive for the agent to work diligently on your behalf.

Exclusive Agency: Similar to an exclusive right to sell, an exclusive agency agreement designates one agent as your exclusive representative. However, in this case, you retain the right to sell the property yourself without paying a commission should you find the buyer. This option gives you more control over the sale process.

Terms of a Listing Agreement

The terms of a listing agreement encompass a range of crucial details:

Listing Duration: This specifies how long the agreement is valid, typically ranging from 30 days to six months. Shorter terms offer flexibility, while longer terms provide more time for marketing strategies to take effect.

Commission Percentage: This outlines the percentage of the sale price that will be paid as a commission to the real estate agent. It’s essential to understand this upfront to avoid any surprises later in the process.

Marketing Strategies: The agreement may detail the specific marketing tactics the agent will use to promote your property, such as online listings, open houses, and print materials.

Length of a Real Estate Listing Agreement

Real estate listing agreements can vary in duration:

Short-term Listings: Short-term listings typically last 30 to 90 days. They offer flexibility and allow you to assess the effectiveness of the agent’s strategies relatively quickly.

Long-term Listings: Long-term listings extend from three to six months or more. They provide more time for comprehensive marketing efforts and may be preferable in a market with slower turnover.

Reasons Why a Real Estate Listing Expires

Several factors can lead to an expired listing:

Overpricing: If a property is priced too high compared to similar listings in the area, it can deter potential buyers.

Insufficient Marketing: If the property isn’t adequately promoted or doesn’t reach its target audience, it may not receive the attention it deserves.

Market Conditions: Economic shifts, seasonal trends, or unforeseen events can all impact the sale of a property.

Factors Beyond Control in Real Estate

In the dynamic world of real estate, certain factors are beyond anyone’s control:

Economic Changes: Broader economic shifts, such as interest rate changes or economic downturns, can influence the real estate market.

Seasonal Trends: Real estate activity often follows seasonal patterns, with spring and summer typically being more active than winter.

Unforeseen Events: Natural disasters, political changes, or local events can have unexpected effects on the market.

How Long After a Real Estate Contract Expires Can an Owner Sell Privately?

After a real estate contract expires, you have a few options:

Immediate Relisting: You can choose to re-list the property with the same or a different agent, potentially with adjustments based on the experience.

Selling Privately: Opting to sell privately means marketing and handling the sale yourself without the involvement of a real estate agent.

Options When a Real Estate Agreement Expires

If your listing agreement expires, here are some alternatives:

Relist with a Different Agent: You can choose to work with a different agent, bringing fresh perspectives and marketing strategies to the table.

Adjust Pricing Strategy: If your property didn’t sell, consider revisiting the asking price to align it with current market conditions.

Explore Selling to a Cash Homebuyer: This option can lead to a faster sale, as cash buyers can bypass the traditional financing process, providing a streamlined transaction. Additionally, cash buyers often purchase properties in their current condition, potentially saving you on costly repairs or renovations.

Benefits of selling to a cash homebuyer?

Selling to a cash homebuyer can offer several advantages. Firstly, it often leads to a quicker and more straightforward transaction since cash buyers bypass the traditional financing process. Additionally, cash buyers typically purchase properties as they are, saving you on potential expenses for repairs or renovations. This option can be especially appealing if you’re looking for a swift and hassle-free sale.


In the ever-changing landscape of real estate, encountering an expired listing is not the end of the road. Instead, it’s an opportunity to reassess your approach and consider alternative strategies. Understanding the nuances of listing agreements, the impact of market conditions, and the options available post-expiration empowers you to make informed decisions about selling your property.